MrXxx wrote:
That's ridiculous. I know for me, it made it worse, but no, cannabis does NOT cause Autism. That's just silly.
It's beyond silly. It's embarrassing. It would involve backwards causation, so that what you were like at 12 (for example) was caused by smoking a few joints at 20.
Incidentally, as regards cannabis, I found it sent me into a very solipsistic space and made any sort of sensible communication impossible, but it was just bringing out what was there already. I remember it affected me much more strongly than the other people in the room. It's possibly not such a good idea for people with autistic traits to use illegal drugs, but I suppose it depends on the individual, too. I found it worse than useless as a "social lubricant" as it made me 100% unsocial for a few hours, just interested in my own thoughts and feelings until it wore off. Speaking seemed a distraction from just being and observing. But I was unsocial way before that.