For clarity, I mean offended someone or hurt their feelings. It wouldn't let me type a title long enough.
I have few friends, and we don't really hang out much. I'm a music student, majoring in voice. One of my friends is acting as my accompanist for my singing tests, one of which is coming up in 2 weeks. I didn't manage to get the music she needs to learn to play for my test to her until today.
I got her the music, and she said something about how soon the singing test was. Ever logical, I said, "Yes, but the music's not very hard, is it?"
Possibly a social mistake. Her reaction was brusque and the interaction was short.
I didn't realize it at the time, but she was probably a little frustrated that I'd only given her two weeks to prepare for my singing test, and I should have apologized or at least validated her feelings. By remarking that the music wasn't so hard, I was invalidating her feelings.
I mentally beat myself up a little bit after realizing how I may have come across. Just for a short time though, and then my logical side took over. I can't get down on myself for this, because that won't solve anything, it won't change what I said, and it won't make the other person feel any better.
Tomorrow we are going to get together to rehearse. I will apologize then. I know apologies don't actually solve anything but I think it will let her know that I'm not trying to invalidate her feelings. I guess I do feel a little bad that I might have caused her further frustration.
Do you have a story when you accidentally offended someone? Do you feel bad when you do it?
Transgender. Call me 'he' please. I'm a guy.
Diagnosed Bipolar and Aspergers (questioning the ASD diagnosis).
Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.
--Abbie Hoffman