Tuttle wrote:
Even when I'm social and not having any difficulties in that I don't feel at all like an NT. I still am over-analyzing everything, still have sensory issues to deal with, still would be driven crazy by people making me make an arbitrary decision or people accusing me of being something that I'm not, and still won't so much as make eye contact with someone who I don't trust very deeply. I'm me, including all my aspie traits, even when am in a situation associated with NTs.
Then again I just feel like myself who happens to be describable by the label "autistic" or "aspie" not like "aspie moments" or "NT moments" really exist. It's just Tuttle being Tuttle.
Especially the last part. I don't "feel like an Aspie" or "feel like an NT": I'm just me. I spent more than sixty years being me, without knowing that there _was_ an Aspie/NT difference. I mainly had problems that were clearly Clinical Depression, and wished that I had and/or could keep more friends than I could ever seem to. And of course I had problems with people over various issues: who doesn't? It just turned out after I learned about Asperger's that most of those issues rooted in my being an AspieMe. I had even learned to lose the adult telltales like looking people in the eye, especially since it didn't bother me all that much in the first place, not nearly as much as it bothers some of the rest of you.
Asperges me, Domine