the_curmudge wrote:
I hate change. I have finally learned to cope with things the way they are and then somebody has to change them, creating a whole lot of extra work for me.
This. I hate change in general, but I hate with the fire of ten thousand suns change in areas that are a struggle for me to cope with in the first place. A change in the workplace where I get moved from kind of exposed to a nice quiet hidey hole will vaguely bug me, even though I'd generally rather be in a quieter place. A change in the workplace where I get moved from somewhere quiet will make me crazy. I'm more bothered by changes in the arrangement of the grocery store (where I'm pretty stressed from the git go) than I am by changes on a road I use frequently (since driving doesn't bother me as much).
And I'm more tolerant of change I understand -- a road closed because trees are down -- and change I'm in control of. Like if they move me to a room with lots of phones ringing, I might quit, which is a bigger change for most people than being moved to a different room while still doing the same job, but is a more tolerable change for me because I chose it and it gets me out of an intolerable position.
I'm very skeptical about change for "progress," because there are dozens of cases, in past and recent history, where change for the sake of progress turned out to be extremely harmful -- or made no improvement at all (which is a negative, because the change itself carried costs, so if you change without improving the situation, that's a loss).