SteveBorg wrote:
My son's main issue is with foods. He only seems to tolerate grapes and carrots. Today he actually asked his Mom to keep the nachos out of his snack! One of his favorites! I'd like to get him eating more whole grain breads: that'll be my next frontier, as he only likes French bread right now: which has no value other than tasting great

He might be gluten and/or dairy intolerant, or have some other real food sensitivities ( to corn, for instance, which is one of the most common food intolerances ).
He might like white bread because of an addiction to the food opioids in gluten. A recent study found that a third ( 36.7% ) of people on the spectrum have unusually permeable intestines, ( compared to under 5% of the general population ), which allow the passage into the blood and to the brain of large molecules like the food opioid peptides in gluten and casein, and that intestinal permeability is increased in the presence of both substances, and at the same time be sensitive to the fructans in wheat, ( and onions and leeks, asparagus, among other things ) which are found in even greater quantities in brown/wholegrain bread/cereals.
Carrots are good!