I'm just feeling really annoyed at the world and our society. I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic. I was bouncing around to music about half an hour ago, happy. Because even though society was crushing me and tearing me up i am still going and i am learning and finding better and better ways to do things, and starting to break free, which is really good and fills you with hope, but i guess I'm still annoyed at the world for making everything so difficult and stressful.
I am angry at the way things are at the moment. I'm fed up with (most) people not caring about things, not being passionate about things, not opening their eyes or looking at things in individual and thought provoking ways.
I'm fed up with adverts and the media manipulating everyone and shoving us around. i'm fed up with lies, endless horrible lies from politicians and companies.
I'm fed up with how artificial the world feels - endless soulless corporations that just don't care about anything important as long as their bank accounts keep getting bigger.
I'm fed up with being told how to live my life, being told I'm wrong and being told how to feel and how to act, and being condemned if I don't.
I'm fed up of money, insurance, bills and loans and companies trying to make them sound so important and interesting. They are not, and they never will be.
I'm fed up of being told to buy the cheapest food/clothes i can possibly buy because that's all that's important - the farmers, animals, environment and third-world food producers don't matter as long as i've saved £4.50 at the end of my shopping trip.
I'm fed up of people viewing the artificial man-made world as if it is the "real" world, when the real world is the natural world.
I'm fed up with people blindly believing the crap we get fed every day, and just swaying whichever way the wind blows. Where is your spirit, your individuality, your ability to think for yourself? I'm fed up with having to tackle everything in a slow, mature, premeditated, boring, conservative, materialistic, shallow, soulless, sheep-like way. You can't just get out there and help or make yourself heard... nooooooooooooooooo that would be too fun and easy and individual. You need a degree. Yes! a degree in whatever you are trying to change. Without that, how do you expect to do anything because you're just a nobody. Poke poke. Now sit down and shut up.
But i don't want to sit down and shut up, and i'm not going to. All of this kind of stuff has messed me up and I feel it squashing me down, like a forceful burden, a weight of responsibility and pressure but i'm not going to believe it.
I don't need a 9-5 office job.
I don't need a mortgage.
I don't need insurance on EVERYTHING.
I don't need a big house.
I don't need a nice car.
I don't need to be surrounded by technology.
I don't need clothes for every occasion, and cosmetics for every tiny little thing.
I don't need a mobile phone always on me.
I don't need a debit/credit card.
I don't need every single service under the sun and to pay every bill on time every month.
So will people please shut up?
If you need to talk about things then try being passionate about something that has some soul.
Materialistic. Shallow. That is all.