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01 Nov 2011, 10:01 pm

I was perfectly fine this past week, in my usual neutral mood, talking to people just fine, all calm and such. These past couple of days however, at college my anxiety has SOARED for no apparent reason and it's far worse than ever before and I have no clue as to what could have caused it. I am also incredibly irritable, or at least I became that way later on in the day. My energy and my ability to "give a damn" has also been sapped. Oddly enough, my ability to hold a conversation with someone has skyrocketed, I can now hold a long conversation with someone and my anxiety with talking to people has dissipated. Yet just walking around and having people look at me is killing me on the inside. What is going on!? I'm so confused, I even feel emotionally dead right now...Am I just tired? I don't know anymore... Any suggestions at all? Anything would be appreciated...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Nov 2011, 10:24 pm

You know what something very similar happens to me on occasion. Anxiety is brought on from everyday and random crap and it DOSE f**k with your emotions. I would do things that you liked and comforted you. Eventually it might pass, it usually dose for me


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01 Nov 2011, 10:36 pm

I get that way too-my anxiety levels also go way up and I just lose it.

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01 Nov 2011, 11:29 pm

I quickly tend to forget about negative situations once they've past, but what you describe rings bells like crazy. Maybe there are stressors in your life that you're not actively noticing, and eventually it just builds up into one big lump of anxiety.

Cliched, but still valid suggestions: Distract yourself with things you really enjoy. You may not enjoy them as much while you're stressed out, but it will help take your mind off the stress which in turn will help make it go away.


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02 Nov 2011, 12:11 am

Possibly the change in season? Diet?


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02 Nov 2011, 1:07 am

Could be totally hormonal. Ur profile says your male, so I wont go the PMS path :P but then it has been said that males also can experience monthly hormonal spikes.

As a female I never used to get PMS symptoms, but when it came to uni I did used to get a monthly feeling of being totally overwhelmed like the whole world was caving in on me and I could barely breathe! It took me a few times to realise what was going on, but after that I would just breathe and remind myself that my emotions were lying to me and that in a few days I would be back to normal and that this was all a bad illusion.

In the mean time have a drink to calm the nerves ;)


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02 Nov 2011, 4:21 am

The only thing to do in times like this is to try to pass the time as best you can. I too experience these episodes. The last two days I absolutely fell in a hole. It's really hard to see at the time because you are so "in it" and can't see how you will ever get out. But you will. Try to do the things that you know usually make you feel good/calm. Even if they don't make you feel good/calm at the moment, they are bound to make your recovery faster. Hope you feel better soon.


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02 Nov 2011, 4:36 am

It will pass, you need rest I think, irritability and still the social ability to hold a's strange though....Can you hold a "nice" conversation or do you feel irritated then, too?
I've had anxiety issues lately too, but what you describe is looking a bit different, as I could feel exhaustion creeping up on me in conversations, too...
Could it be a sensory issue that you're not recognizing? Auditory, visual? Or indeed the change in season, I don't think it's paranoia , since conversations are fine even though having people look at you is making you feel aggressive...
All I can recommend to you right now is a whole week end in pyjamas, wearing fuzzy socks after a nice hot shower, putting yourself under a blanket and watch awesome movies while eating candy and drinking hot chocolate. I swear this is a cure for most social overloads, could work :D

Snowy Owl
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02 Nov 2011, 5:00 am

That sounds like me on my bad days. I do what I call 'automatic-mode', which I guess from what I've learned is actually dissasociating, and it just...happens. Doesn't always happen, but sometimes it does. It's very random for me.


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02 Nov 2011, 5:02 am

Circle989898 wrote:
Possibly the change in season? Diet?

To me, it's probably the change in season, the ebbing daylight and colder weather. Maybe diet too, as every time my anxiety level gets higher my eating habits change to the worse too, i.e. I eat more junk food, chocolate, bun, pastry and such.

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02 Nov 2011, 5:50 am

OJani wrote:
Circle989898 wrote:
Possibly the change in season? Diet?

To me, it's probably the change in season, the ebbing daylight and colder weather. Maybe diet too, as every time my anxiety level gets higher my eating habits change to the worse too, i.e. I eat more junk food, chocolate, bun, pastry and such.

There's something called Seasonal Affective(?) Disorder. Basicly, it's when the days get shorter/less sun, people have less energy, get more depressed, and have a harder time functioning. From what I've ready/heard, it actually effects a lot of people. I'd suggest try getting more sun. I find when my sleeping schedule goes to the point where I sleep ALL day and get no sun, I get more depressed, anxiety, and can't cope well. Unfortunately, my sleeping schedule is very sporadic. I have a hard time sticking to one schedule, especially since I don't have a job or am going to school at the moment.


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02 Nov 2011, 6:22 am

Could be you're just getting tired and need a vacation. Burnout will do that to you.

You could also be getting sick, or be affected by your environment somehow. Like, say it's allergy season where you are--that can be just enough stress to make it harder to cope. Or you haven't been eating enough. Or you're sleep-deprived. Or you just started getting more physical activity than usual, and your body hasn't adjusted yet. (I'm serious here; just walking two more miles a day than usual did that to me. During that adjustment period, you might easily find yourself sleeping twelve hours a night and craving meat every single day. It's as bad as going through a growth spurt. But thankfully you adjust in time.)

Let's throw lack of sunlight on the list, too. Spending some more time outside can help, or spending time next to a window.

But yeah, I think you're probably tired, in some way or another. Find out where you're expending the extra energy, or why you're not getting it in the first place, and then fix that.

Re. conversations: Are you going on autopilot, instead of thinking carefully about what you're saying? I'll do that, sometimes, if I'm tired. It results in conversation that basically communicates no real information and just involves following patterns. It's kind of a way to conserve energy. I'm guessing that maybe your brain is being smart and conserving energy on conversations to use for the daily-life stuff that's more necessary than being hypervigilant during social interaction.

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02 Nov 2011, 7:16 am

Callista wrote:
Could be you're just getting tired and need a vacation. Burnout will do that to you.

You could also be getting sick, or be affected by your environment somehow. Like, say it's allergy season where you are--that can be just enough stress to make it harder to cope. Or you haven't been eating enough. Or you're sleep-deprived. Or you just started getting more physical activity than usual, and your body hasn't adjusted yet. (I'm serious here; just walking two more miles a day than usual did that to me. During that adjustment period, you might easily find yourself sleeping twelve hours a night and craving meat every single day. It's as bad as going through a growth spurt. But thankfully you adjust in time.)

Let's throw lack of sunlight on the list, too. Spending some more time outside can help, or spending time next to a window.

But yeah, I think you're probably tired, in some way or another. Find out where you're expending the extra energy, or why you're not getting it in the first place, and then fix that.

Re. conversations: Are you going on autopilot, instead of thinking carefully about what you're saying? I'll do that, sometimes, if I'm tired. It results in conversation that basically communicates no real information and just involves following patterns. It's kind of a way to conserve energy. I'm guessing that maybe your brain is being smart and conserving energy on conversations to use for the daily-life stuff that's more necessary than being hypervigilant during social interaction.

Come to think of it, it does seem like my brain's on autopilot in conversations, but it does really well, better than when I am thinking about it -_- Thanks for the advice though.