Callista wrote:
Could be you're just getting tired and need a vacation. Burnout will do that to you.
You could also be getting sick, or be affected by your environment somehow. Like, say it's allergy season where you are--that can be just enough stress to make it harder to cope. Or you haven't been eating enough. Or you're sleep-deprived. Or you just started getting more physical activity than usual, and your body hasn't adjusted yet. (I'm serious here; just walking two more miles a day than usual did that to me. During that adjustment period, you might easily find yourself sleeping twelve hours a night and craving meat every single day. It's as bad as going through a growth spurt. But thankfully you adjust in time.)
Let's throw lack of sunlight on the list, too. Spending some more time outside can help, or spending time next to a window.
But yeah, I think you're probably tired, in some way or another. Find out where you're expending the extra energy, or why you're not getting it in the first place, and then fix that.
Re. conversations: Are you going on autopilot, instead of thinking carefully about what you're saying? I'll do that, sometimes, if I'm tired. It results in conversation that basically communicates no real information and just involves following patterns. It's kind of a way to conserve energy. I'm guessing that maybe your brain is being smart and conserving energy on conversations to use for the daily-life stuff that's more necessary than being hypervigilant during social interaction.
Come to think of it, it does seem like my brain's on autopilot in conversations, but it does really well, better than when I am thinking about it -_- Thanks for the advice though.