LunaUlysses Wrote:
Autistic/Aspergers people tend to learn to be able to 'fit in' socially a bit easier by mimicing others, which is in fact, acting. Because of it, they already know how to fit into a character and not be themselves. I'm pretty positive plenty of Hollywood is aspergers/autistic in some degree. I've always been socially off, but when it came to the acting roles, I always did very well.
This is one possible way that Aspies/Autistics can cope with social situations, but there are also others. I myself, would find doing this impossible. Rather than pretending to be someone else so as I can fade into the social arena, I have often challenged others and acted however I feel like. It is almost as if I am pathologically honest and pathologically opposed to group-think and authority. It has caused problems, but I have been less and less afraid of the consequences as I've gotten older.