Nope, I never thought of myself as a geek until 8th grade of public school. In private school, teachers worked with me, and actually quite liked me as I was for the most part well behaved and respectful, and any of my quirks were usually offset by that. Kids were sorta forced to get along with you in elementary school, as there was like 15 kids in your entire grade at the old private Christian school I went to.
What's weird with me was, I was just...weird. Like, I liked nerdy things, especially when I was younger, but I was pushed by my father to like non-nerdy things. When I was younger, I had no video games or internet, so I'd spend all day outside. I'd make up my own stories starring me, everyday, just in my yard alone wacking sticks against stuff. I'd ride my bike, I'd pick berries, I'd walk through the cornfield. All that cool stuff. But I wasn't around other kids when I did stuff, and generally my sisters stayed inside and watched television, I'd not come inside til it was dark out. So, for a couple years, besides planned outings, I never be around other kids like casually. So it was a shock to me, just being around other kids in like, a Little League team or something. Then when I played Little League, I had like, performance anxiety issues. I'd get obsessed with it, though, look up statistics, throwing techniques, etc. I'd practice for hours at a time throwing a baseball against a wall, in hopes I'd be good enough to be a pitcher.
There's more, but...again, 8 paragraphs...
But yeah, my life has always been this awkward paradigm of being both a nerd and a "cool" person at the same time, and never fitting into either category though you're excessive in certain regards to both. I found out recently, I'm not bad looking either, and I at one point wasn't a dick to people, so maybe people thought I'm nice, maybe they still do? So like, when I first entered 7th grade, I did socially pretty well until someone started a rumor about me, then I just crashed. In my life, it's always been a case of "cool" at first, then "wtf" after a little while. I self identified as nerd for a bit in high school, but I started to drift away from them with interests. Like, generally "nerds" don't like cars, for example. So I'd ramble on for hours about cars to my nerd friends who wanted to talk about 4chan memes that I just didn't care about much, after seeing that all they are is the "nerd" equivalent of talking about Kim Kardashian or something.
So to answer your question. No, it's far worse/better than that.