I get that alot too. Most people around me just kind of accepted it when "professionals" said I had Borderline Personality Disorder and ran with that. So everything I say is just something crazy or a "Borderline thing". My ex girlfriend has been the most receptive/open in the end, she has eventually been able to agree that AS explains alot about the things that I do that tick her off and stuff that eventually led to her leaving me. My Mom just dismissed it at first, saying that it doesn't matter what you call something and asking why I was always trying to label something and find something wrong with myself.
The thing is, I know my mom knows that this is what has always been wrong with me. I know I was not an easy kid or teenager to raise and my parents spent alot of money dragging me to one doctor, therapist, hospital or another trying to figure out WHY. I think what people said earlier about it being harder to detect in females is true for me too, at least for people who I'm close too. But I've had perfect strangers tell me I'm weird and even had some random person on a dating site tell me "you look extremly weird and like you kill animals" once after reading my profile.. ( didn't think I sounded thatweird)
I'd just say screw you to the people who say you don't have it, ultimatly only you know yourself and if it explains those things that were once unexplainable then that's what matters most.
"It is a riddle, wrapped up in a mystery, inside an enigma"
"The boy on the blue moon dreams of sun"