Panic wrote:
Im 24 now, I stopped using this site becasue so many people here are delusional to what autism and aspergers really is.
I live conscious of what NTs do and normal people, and i see them all progressing in life, making money, socializing, finding love partners having friends, while im stuck in this dark black hole called autism.
no one here seems to understand that they are mentally handicap and cannot live on their own, and out of the 1 in a million people who somehow do manage to catch a break and get a good job, that is all the aspies and clueless people talk about.
My mind is empty, my face is blank, that is my existence.
Then you haven't learned yet how to use your Autism to your advantage. Those people you see are just "following the rules of society"; it doesn't make them any better than you.
They may even have the self-hatred you appear to, but they won't figure that out until much later in their lives.
Dan Aykroyd is an admitted Autistic, and he says it's helped him with his creativity in his work.
I think your problem is that you're trying to do things the "normal" way when your brain isn't hard-wired for it.
Just remember this:
the eccentric members of society that do things their own way set trends.
The "normal" people of society
follow them.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and follow your heart; you'll be surprised what you can accomplish.