Cherokee wrote:
Not only do I not like to be touched, but a lot of times it really bugs me if people are near me at all (especially certain people). Is anyone else like this? I’m not sure if this is part of my AS or just something completely irrational. A lot of times I will ask people to give me space and this bugs them, which makes me feel guilty.
I also do not like strangers especially near me and will even avoid going down a shopping aisle that has people in it or will wait until they have moved far enough from what I want before I get the item. This may be more OCD related however but I also think that sensory issues can contribute to this - ie you don't like to be touched so therefore you have a heightened sensitivity for that potential.
And I am not really sure about this being competely opposite from AS because although some people with AS may have difficulty with intruding into "other" people's personal space that doesn't mean it is a universal Aspie trait or that peope with AS are unable to determine their own comfort zone. So if you are approaching someone else the person unable to properly determine boundaries may either stand too close (or too far?) to be considered appropriate. Also if it was strictly being close than that is very acceptable in certain cultures so then it would not be considered part of an inability to "read" or conform to social cues.