I HATE children of the human variety. Even as a young child, I found them repulsive. My parents would force me to hold my cousins becuase my aunt or uncle "just had" to have a picture for the photo album. I would have an epic meltdown about it and they figured it was better to just have me sit by the baby for the picture. I hate children of all ages. I made up my mind at four years old that I never wanted to get married, let alone have children and I have NEVER changed my mind about it, even twenty years later. I had a hystorectomy so I will never have any children.
I always felt like I was born in the wrong body. Even as young as three I remember feeling like I was supposed to be a cat. I would even have meltdowns about it and my unsympathic parents would basicaly tell me to deal with it because God made me a person. I have no idea why I never turned athiest. If my parents were hard core, holy roller fundies, I would have for sure. Anyway, I was overjoyed when I discovered the furry community, but then disapointed because most of them just seem to see the whole thing as a big joke and like to dress up as animals for fun....or have the hots for certian cartoon animals. I was always intrested in the furry community becuase I never wanted to be a person. Eventualy I had an ephinany and realised instead of wasting my time with people who want to knock up Princess Sally Acorn, I could make friends with real animals and real meerkats. My bearded dragon is my best friend. Being told I am not a human being would just be a compliment to me.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.