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15 Nov 2011, 4:18 pm

I am a waste of everything. I can't do anything right. All I do is cause trouble for my family. I am a moron for ever thinking that I could do ANYTHING that normal people do. I cannot believe that I actually thought I was capable of driving, or working like a normal person, having friends, dating, ANYthing. I am a FAILURE. Why I keep trying is beyond me.

Move it, leave it, reply, dont, whatever. Nothing matters anymore.

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.


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15 Nov 2011, 4:26 pm

I'm sorry you are sad and frustrated. I feel like that a lot too. I usually turn to chocolate.
You may not want any replies, but have you tried getting outside a bit? Sometimes that helps me, not always, but sometimes. It doesn't fix the life problems, but it can change my perspective, at least for a little while.


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15 Nov 2011, 4:32 pm

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I can totally identify. I've struggled with these and similar feelings, off and on, my whole life. On another day, I'd probably have better advice, but today I'm in that same funk again. Coming to wrong planet helps a lot with the isolation...the feeling like I'm so different and less than everyone else. My special interests are my saving grace though. Making time in my life for them is so important. When I'm working on them, that's when I feel whole and right. I try to find ways to incorporated them into my career and relationships. When I can, it allows me to feel like a whole person around others. I think that's been the key for me.

- incorrigible
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15 Nov 2011, 4:57 pm

Better for you to post your feelings than to hold them in. I've felt hopeless and angry about myself sometimes, too. It was actually kind of satisfying to me to read a post in which someone else was expressing those kinds of feelings so well. Please post again, though, to let us know you're still with us. Thanks!

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15 Nov 2011, 5:00 pm

blackcat wrote:
I am a waste of everything. I can't do anything right. All I do is cause trouble for my family. I am a moron for ever thinking that I could do ANYTHING that normal people do. I cannot believe that I actually thought I was capable of driving, or working like a normal person, having friends, dating, ANYthing. I am a FAILURE. Why I keep trying is beyond me.

Move it, leave it, reply, dont, whatever. Nothing matters anymore.

I know that feeling, I get it every day at some point. Whenever things go wrong, I always blame myself because I've been convinced so many times that NTs are the perfect ones who can't do no wrong socially, and I'm the social problem so it's probably always me who's the responsible one for other people's s**t. It makes me feel so damn miserable that I just look at myself and ask what's the point of it all.



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15 Nov 2011, 5:12 pm

flower33: Chocolate would probably be nice. No, I haven't. I just locked myself in my room because I am embarrassed and angry with myself. Thank you for your response.

incorrigible: I am sorry that you are in the same funk again. I am glad that WP helps your isolation. I am glad that your special interests help. Thank you for your response.

MindWithoutWalls: If you say so. I'm sorry that you have felt this way. Glad I could help. Thank you for your response.

Joe90: I'm sorry. I only blame myself because these things are actually my fault. I hope that one day you are able to stop blaming yourself for things and seeing nts as socially perfect. But I can understand it. Please feel better soon. Thank you for your response.

If any of you need someone to talk to, I am willing to listen. I honestly don't know why I posted this. I am beyond help.

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.


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15 Nov 2011, 5:21 pm

Hey blackcat, I'm in the same boat as you right now. I had a very bad weekend, major meltdown that scared and upset my roommates and acquaintances, and it looks like I am probably getting kicked out of my house.

On top of that, I am penniless, in a new town where I don't know anybody, soon to be homeless with no place to go. I am probably going to have to get on my bike and ride south through cold November rains. Looking for someplace warm where I can live in a cave or some abandoned house. Not joking.

The worst part is that I don't know what to do with my cat. Can't take him with on my bike. He means the world to me.

Still, I've lived through worse and hopefully I can pull through this one too.

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15 Nov 2011, 5:36 pm

I feel embarrassed of myself. It's like I am always looking awkward, no matter how hard I try to make myself look normal. Well, I do look normal, what I mean is, I just wish I could look less awkward. I may not be clumsy as in dropping things, but I am clumsy in other ways, like standing in the wrong place all the time in shops and always getting in people's way. That sort of thing makes me think how awkward I must be. If I only got in the way occasionally, I wouldn't take any notice, but because I get in the way wherever I stand, even though I try my hardest NOT getting in anybody's way but yet I do even more, it makes me start to wonder how daft I must look all the time. Plus people would rather push through my space rather than asking somebody else nearby to get out of their way instead. It all makes me absolutely loathe myself and the way I am.

This is why I fear going out. I always give off the wrong body language and just look awkward all the time. I hate it I hate it I hate it.



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15 Nov 2011, 5:59 pm

Dear ALL
Stop beating yourselves up and have a jaffa cake. Keep talking on WP and you will learn its really really really really not your fault, you are just on the wrong planet and NT society will get friendlier as they begin to understand. They just dont get it yet, but they will. Look at this place its amazing! Didnt exist a few years ago.

How big a deal is being awkward? Its not loathsome, its quirky and endearing. Being a banker or a politician or Rupert Murdoch is loathsome. Did you become a banker and steal loads of money from hard working people? No you stood in peoples way in a shop. Just do a big grin. Why not do it deliberately? People need to smile at each other more. :lol:

Snowy Owl
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15 Nov 2011, 6:17 pm

Like my uncle always says, 'smile and the world smiles with you. Be miserable and you will suffer greatly'.

So, Joe90 whenever something bothers you just give a smile and your thoughts will also change. The more you frown, the more you will feel miserable for the rest of the day over that one little instant, then you will get even more irrational thoughts building up and up until you finally think that being in somebody's way is the end of the world. Worse than the end of the world. And that wont help you at all. Sometimes you've just got to grin and bear it. The more you worry about something the more it happens or the more it seems like it happens. Anyway, just think, they're in your way too! They're invading your personal space. After all, you've got to stand somewhere in a shop. You can't like float in the air, can you? :D

Just relax, take some deep breaths and just smile. I'm sure you don't look awkward either. You don't give off the wrong body language. I know I don't know you, but I'm sure you're just as good as the next person, just don't keep taking everything personally and just remember that you are just another stranger in a shop to everyone, the same as everyone are all strangers to you.

I used to be miserable and couldn't be arsed to smile at anyone and couldn't get why I should, but now my uncle has given me some good advice of how to deal with things a little better and now I feel much more relaxed because of it.


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15 Nov 2011, 7:36 pm

Joe90 wrote:
blackcat wrote:
I am a waste of everything. I can't do anything right. All I do is cause trouble for my family. I am a moron for ever thinking that I could do ANYTHING that normal people do. I cannot believe that I actually thought I was capable of driving, or working like a normal person, having friends, dating, ANYthing. I am a FAILURE. Why I keep trying is beyond me.

Move it, leave it, reply, dont, whatever. Nothing matters anymore.

I know that feeling, I get it every day at some point. Whenever things go wrong, I always blame myself because I've been convinced so many times that NTs are the perfect ones who can't do no wrong socially, and I'm the social problem so it's probably always me who's the responsible one for other people's sh**. It makes me feel so damn miserable that I just look at myself and ask what's the point of it all.

I can relate to both these posts. My trouble is it's become ingrained in me to always take the blame for everything that goes wrong, whether it is or isn't. I've been doing this since I was just a kid. My parents would get mad at me for something, & I would apologize for being born. They made it out to be my fault that they got stuck with me since they adopted me. I don;t blame NTs at all. If anything it's my fault I can't get along in the's been like this for me since I was a toddler.

I often feel worthless & useless & like the world would be a better place if I never existed. I wish I could offer up some positive advice, but I am feeling overwhelmed with personal stuff going on in my life right now. Not sure which way is up.

If I do something right, no one remembers. If I do something
wrong, no one forgets.

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15 Nov 2011, 8:38 pm

blackcat wrote:
I am a waste of everything. I can't do anything right. All I do is cause trouble for my family. I am a moron for ever thinking that I could do ANYTHING that normal people do. I cannot believe that I actually thought I was capable of driving, or working like a normal person, having friends, dating, ANYthing. I am a FAILURE. Why I keep trying is beyond me.

Move it, leave it, reply, dont, whatever. Nothing matters anymore.

Read this, my dear:


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15 Nov 2011, 9:14 pm

I know the feeling, unfortunatly I don't have much advice because i have yet to figure out how not to feel that way myself.


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15 Nov 2011, 9:25 pm

try reading what I linked to.


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15 Nov 2011, 9:36 pm

Hi Blackcat I've felt like that from time to time I would try things and if they didn't work out I felt like a failure.
I tried to learn to drive but I was too nervous so I moved to an area that has a good bus service.
the only advice I could give you is just focus on the things that do work for you.


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15 Nov 2011, 9:37 pm

Aprilviolets wrote:
Hi Blackcat I've felt like that from time to time I would try things and if they didn't work out I felt like a failure.
I tried to learn to drive but I was too nervous so I moved to an area that has a good bus service.
the only advice I could give you is just focus on the things that do work for you.

Well, since my link obviously isn't being looked at, yes; I say go with this.