I have a good sense of time really. But I think for everyone the time goes faster when you're having fun and the time goes slower when you're bored.
I get stressed out with people who don't have a very good sense of time, like my friend. I like her and everything, but when we haven't got much time left she still seems to think that it will be enough time. Like when I've only got an hour 'til my bus and we've planned on getting a little bit of shopping, taking it to her house and having some lunch, I know that we can do it in that amount of time if we hurry (the bus station is just around the corner from her house), but just before we go into Tesco to do her shopping, she asks what the time is and I tell her and she says, ''let's go and have a look in the charity shop first, we've got plenty of time''. So we do, and before we know it, 15 minutes have gone already, so then we're rushing around Tescos getting the shopping, rushing back to her house with heavy bags, and then I'm scoffing down my lunch due to lack of time, and then rushing to the bus station before I miss the bus. And if we hadn't of gone into the charity shop, we would of had an extra fifteen minutes and could have done less rushing. Fifteen minutes is fifteen minutes, it is better than no extra time. If I had been on my own or with somebody with a better sense of time, we wouldn't have been rushing at all.
So I know I do have a good sense of time.