Happens to me a lot, too. Supposedly, this happens from:
1) a translation time lapse from trying to turn nonverbal thoughts into words, or
2) a time sharing process from having difficulty understanding social cues.
-#2 being like so: recall memory, observe conversation partner's tone of voice, rocess tone of voice, determine whether it's your turn to speak, recall recollection of memory, begin to share recollection, question your own word usage, observe partner's reaction, proccess reaction, recall more memory, etc. and repeat.
Most NTs supposedly do #2 subconsciously all the time, whereas most Auties have to do it consciously, which slows us down in verbal communication.
This is also why we write better than we speak. Don't have to process the partner's reaction when writing, while writing. And writing does not communicate the pauses or delete/backtracking of the editing process.
No dx yet ... AS=171/200,NT=13/200 ... EQ=9/SQ=128 ... AQ=39 ... MB=IntJ