If we are talking about people with an IQ > 130, probably yes.
Social impairment - if you are interesting in issues that probably only 2% of the population is interested, much probably you will have social difficulties.
Narrow interests - a more complex question; if anything, it is expectable that intelligent people will be interested in MORE things than "normal" people, then, in this point, high intelligence should be associated with being less autistic. However, I have the impression that, many times, "narrow interests" are defined in a very "broad" way - if your interests interfere with social interaction or daily duties, you have "narrow interests" (even if you are interested simultaneously in science, history, animal life, computers, politics, psychology, urban geography and detective stories...). Then, a person who is interested in things very different from "normal" people will probably be considered as having narrow interests
Conclusion - if you are much intelligent (or, btw, much dumb - the logical is the same) you will have many autistic symptoms