I mean, I have three siblings who are under 13, one of them is 8, and I love them, but honestly, I'm kind of looking forward to them growing up. They don't really annoy me at all, they're great kids, but I can't wait until I can really talk to them like an adult. You can only really 'do' stuff with kids and I find playing games with other people boring compared to talking to them.
Kids just kind of make me uncomfortable. For one thing people are so overprotective of them, it makes me nervous. I feel a bit like I'm cornering a mother bear when I'm in a crowd and a kid is nearby.
Another thing is I don't find their broken language cute, it actually just kind of annoys me. I know it's not their fault, and I'd never give a kid a hard time for it, but it does kind of bother me when I can't understand what they're saying. And they can say something really dumb, like "you farted" or something, and people will act like it's the cutest, most brilliant comedic statement ever.
Also I don't find humans in general very cute; even the little ones. I find most mammals to be a lot cuter. And kids aren't really innocent or sweet - I mean, you remember elementary school, right? It's just that if they are jerks they have the excuse of being young and capable of change.
I also don't really get why people get so upset when something bad happens to a kid, but in comparison don't care as much if it happens to an adult. It actually kind of pisses me off. It's just like racism to me. Ageism. The excuse for this sentiment is that kids haven't done anything really bad in their life and that they can't defend themselves, but you could say that about a lot of adult victims -- the real, deep seated biological reason is that children haven't reproduced yet and therefore it is genetically important for them to live long enough to spread their genes.
Am i just an as*hole? Or does anyone else feel the same way?
Last edited by donnie_darko on 26 Nov 2011, 4:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.