no,there is no magic cure to irritability/agression,not even medications cure it.
there are however lots of different things that can be tried which can help on dealing with it,some exercise and fresh air every day,sensory integration equipment such as deep pressure and weighted vests,weighted blankets,deep breathing exercises,horse riding therapy,the feingold diet, melatonin to stabilise the hormone, avoid sugary drinks as much as possible but dont replace with aspartame based drinks which can be just as bad in side effects long term,a better night time routine if have not got one already,ASD adapted CBT and DBT...
also,a cheap tip that is widely used by cutters; get a few elastic bands on wrist and whenever those thoughts appear in head;pull the bands back tight and let go,it can be a good distraction technique for some people when they eventualy teach themselves to catch these thoughts right at the start each time.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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