I'm in such a stupid situation, and humans can be so unbelievably selfish... so, just because they can't be assed to walk a bit (like, literally, a minute away) they want to pass by really close to my flat and the worst part is when they exit their cars they bang their doors, so last time I tried sleeping I've had a hellish time... every time I came close to falling asleep a car door was bashed... this didn't happen once, so I was really unlucky as it doesn't happen literally constantly but it so happened to occur just when I was about to fall asleep...
Honestly, this must be some sort of recipe it seems to me concocted by someone who wants to turn the tortured person into a criminal... and why should cars pass by really close to someone sleeping?! Anyone else in this situation? Because, honestly, it sounds so rare that someone must have set me up to fail intentionally...
Because, of course, the more one doesn't sleep the more one goes insane, the more one goes insane to infinitely selfish people who bash doors just because they don't want to walk for one minute the more one edges closer to just going out there and bashing their heads instead... I've endured this for many months so far, but for how long? It's not like I can even move right now with the chaos outside, nor do I have anywhere to move to, which is the more pressing future problem, and even with the pandemic as it is, not being able to sleep could harm my immune system, as such just because (not only are they driving around potentially spreading the virus themselves) they don't want to park the car nearby and walk for one minute my very life could be risked... just not damn fair!