Truthfully, it was a near thing. I think I said something like "Well, actually,..... [my brain: 'wait - don't say that!!'] ..... actually, this is probably the most comprehensive book we have right now on Asperger's Syndrome, and it's my personal favorite!" [my brain: 'nice save.'] It was kind of an unusual situation because ordinarily I wouldn't have stopped myself in time.
Like one time I DID tell a customer I thought her son might have Asperger's Syndrome because she said he was "obsessed" with some famous ship - I can't remember which but I think it was the first metal military ship and it was involved in the Civil War, or something (I'm sure someone here specializes in military ships and knows which one I'm referring to) - anyway when his mother asked him about it he got up and bounced, on his toes, over to us and sure enough he went on about this boat for 5 solid minutes before his mother interrupted to tell him we'd heard enough about the ship for now and to go back to whatever he was doing. And, she said he went to a Montessori school where they let him relate as much as he wanted to the ship, like he did math problems about this ship and wrote stories about it for English and did a social studies project where he built a model of it, and so on. Anyway then I tried to explain to her that I really didn't mean to imply I thought there's something wrong w/her kid and she should take him to a doctor right this second, but just that if things got difficult for him later in school that could be why, and how being totally misunderstood by teachers and mocked by peers everyday for years can turn a bright, exuberant little kid into a bitter, anxiety-plagued, self-destructive adolescent [eg, ME], and I hated to think of that happening to any other kid.....followed by, "I'm sorry, this is so awkward, please don't tell my manager." (To her credit she didn't, and was very polite throughout the whole thing.) I think it was the memory of that event that caused my wait-don't-say-that! response to kick in so fast in this most recent situation.