So it was Aspergers Syndrome all along? His sweet boyishness, his tantrums, and most of all, the puzzled look on his face, when I tried to communicate with my Aspie boyfriend. I had fallen in love with a boy, as time went on, it got worse and I was exasperated, hurt and felt sorrow all over again, for my brother John.
John had taken his life at age twenty one, left me feeling so guilty for not having understood whatever had troubled him so many years ago. If only I could go back, with what I know now.
Strange how fate keeps showing up; in the least expected places. Another chance at making things right, do you think? I don't know for sure, I'm just here to get some feedback about "Where do I go from here?"...because when we become aware it's about becomes very important. That kind of love is not like any other kind of love, its so selfless, it is THE most challenging of all.
To be continued.....
THANK YOU FROM yourfriend