I believe that the Autism Spectrum may be just as arbitrary as Aspergers is. First, how closely connected are all the forms of Autistic Disorder? According to wikipedia genes are believed to play a larger role in Aspergers than in tradition autism and I might have an explanation: as Autistic Disorder is more severe less is known about individuals with it think, so it actually encompasses multiple unrelated things that just display identical symptoms. For example Autism can be caused by Fragile X, but that is certainly not the only possible cause. It would also explain why more people are diagnosed with AD than AS, as it includes more groups of people. I believe that AS may also actually multiple things, but they are more closely related and/or less diverse. I believe that in many cases HFA is the same thing as AS, but not LFA, even though the diagnosis says otherwise.
I also believe that many things considered off spectrum are more closely related to AS than some forms of Autism, for example ADHD. Appatently they are close enough that ADHD is grouped with this board instead of the other disorders and I have seen threads suggesting a genetic relation before. I'm also interested in seeing if there is any genetic relations between AS and other disorders and non-disorder conditions.
In the I guess I want to say that I want to see a spectrum more based on genetics or something than behaviors as it's more likely to imply a simularity in thinking and other internal stuff, which I believe a more important than Skinnerian theory says they are and understanding what's goes on beneath the surface may be vital for effective treatment ( for the problems, I'm not looking for any cure). For example Autism used to be grouped with Schizophrenia and many of the symptoms are the same (Autism used to be Symptom of Schizophrenia), but comparing the brains shows that the causes might be opposite: Autistic brains tend to be "overdeveloped" while Schizophrenic brains tend to be "underdeveloped". Anyone else feel the same way?