Mild (I'd say).
I have a very small understanding of the use of tones ocassionally. But mostly because I'm used to the context. For example in a question.
Almost blind as a bat. I read a few common facial expressions like happy and angry (can't tell if someones faking). I completely suck at 'those' facial tests.
Mild to severe anxiety. I can front confidence on good days but can't speak to people well. I don't know how to explain it. If I'm talking about something or problem solving-I can deal with it. But suck at small talk.
Usually, I'm alone. I can't make friends and don't need much socializing.
The thing is, I realize I take things literally, so I don't 'fall for it' most of the time.
I think I am quite insightful-which isn't common as far as I know.
I disslike making eye contact and usually avoid it. I can make eye contact but just end up staring at people.
I wasn't very good at school and think it was because of my anxiety and learning style. Doctors and others say I am intelligent though.
I have a very high verbal I.Q. but a VERY low performance I.Q. As in little to no performance for a few years now despite that I used to be active.
Obsession with my AS.
Difficulty with seeing the bigger picture can make a lot of things more difficult to understand.
Some sounds irritate me. (I took the batteries out of my door bell). Although noises won't cause a meltdown or anything.
I have my own set of aspie quirks but am able to control myself most of the time.
I am too stiff and controlled in movement.
And most people around me will begin to notice I'm different sooner or later.
Having thought about it, I'd say I was high functioning with an interest in self development.
I'd just feel bad if they said I wasn't...I know I am.