Actual number manipulation isn't very often for me, but I do something similiar to help me sleep, and when I'm zoning or bored (and don't have a book or something to keep me occupied), and I think of it as "Mental Stimming".
For years, this has been a coping mechanism, a source of intense enjoyment, and a big part of me as a person and who I am. Even before I learned about the autistic spectrum and my place within it, this has always fascinated me.
Usually the counting comes into it for me when either running calculations for the interest that I'm thinking about, or thinking in terms of geometry. I have in the past done just straight numerical manipulation and enjoyed it, but I moved on (My own theory on Pi vs Phi stems from this period... Theory vs Reality, Possibility vs Actualy, etc). I also have found I am totally enamoured and love doing this when there are lights to stare at.
But yeah, after learning about the spectrum and the likelihood of me being autistic, and researching stimming (self-stimulation) this was one of the first things I thought of as well as some true physical stims I do, but it seemed like the most fitting way of describing it to me, so thats still how I think of it
Good post, thanks
?If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.? - Mark Twain