Make sure you're actually tested properly and that you're allowed to express, to your satisfaction, why you're concerned that you might have Asperger's. I've blogged extensively about the psychologist I saw not doing his job, not giving me the assessment I went in there for, so that the whole thing was a pointless exercise. If you're afraid it will be hard for you to assert yourself if things go wrong, see if you can identify anyone you know who might be able to help you and advocate for proper assessment.
My heart goes out to you for the reaction of your therapist. I don't know if you're on the spectrum or not, but I hope that, whatever process is followed, you get evaluated fairly and accurately, so you can have the truth and be able to decide how to proceed from there. There's no substitute for being able to make sense of yourself and your life.
Life is a classroom for a mind without walls.
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