Here's my opinion, and I say this all nicely, just trying to be helpful.
I have felt a lot of the same things you describe. It does not make you a bad person, they are likely traits associated with Aspergers.
However, what would make you a bad person is not trying to STOP doing these behaviors, in my opinion. I used to be like that, but I knew it was bad, hurtful to others, etc. I didn't want to hurt anyone, scare anyone, etc. so I, through a whole lot of work and self control, have become master of my anger. It might not be easy, and I don't know how I can help you overcome it - I think everyone has to find their own ways to control it.
Just reminding, I say this as helpful. I'm not calling you a bad person at all. It's probably because of Aspergers that you have these traits, but the fact that they are Aspergers traits does not give you an excuse to act this way. My opinion, others can feel free to argue, but I stand by it.