Right now, the cocktail of meds I'm on are not helping at all. I've been suicidal (for those of you who know me from The Haven or read The Haven) for a while now, wanting to die but not wanting to do the deed myself. (Don't feel that way now and for the past few days for what it's worth.) But at the same time, this combination has completely erased my hyper-sexuality problem. Before I was obsessing about sex and women (as they relate to sex) beyond any normal guy was a fixation and was also looking at a lot of nude photos of women. Now I don't even remember the last time I looked at pictures of nude women, hardly ever masturbate, yet still like women for the right reasons...want a compatible girlfriend when my mood improves and the suicide stuff is gone.
The problem is, I'm afraid that while new meds will get rid of the suicidal thoughts/keep the depression at bay, that the hyper-sexuality will also appear again, which in itself is hell. Picture having a special interest that you don't like THAT much and obsessing over it night and day. That's the way my mind was with women and sexuality. I actually ended up walking myself to the emergency room in May over it (the night before I had been sending hundreds of emails looking for sex on dating sites then regretting it) and the only reason I wasn't sent to a hospital was because my mom told them I had Aspergers and this is a common thing for me.
Anyway, my point is, while my mood has been down, and I want that corrected, my sexuality has been at bay. I like women, want to meet women, but it's not a problem the way it was before as far as the obsessing.
Are there meds out there in everyone's experience that will keep the sex drive at bay but also improve my mood?
And btw, I don't think the reason my sex drive is down is because of my mood. I still want it, would welcome it with open arms, just don't think about it 24/7, even during better days when I'm not suicidal.
(Please don't move this to adult forum. Not as many people read/respond there, and I'm not asking how to get sex or women, I'm asking about the effects of meds and mood.)
I take Luvox which is an antidepressant formulated to treat OCD (which my body dysmorphia is an offshoot of) and which lists decreased sex drive as a common side effect. It has not worked any miracles for me but it definitely helps alleviate suicidal thinking, obsessional thinking, and depression. Not sure if you've looked into it, thought I'd mention it.
Hey, I'm really sorry to hear you've been feeling like this. I can't imagine how it must be to have a unwanted obsession like that ruin your life. Especially when this type of obsession/addiction can really be dangerous as far as what you may feel inclined to do to fill that void. I have heard of people really ruining their life with sex/porn addictions and have heard of many people buying prostitutes, illegal porn, that sort of thing.
Do you mind me asking what med's they currently have you on? Because I have been on alot of the anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. One of the most common side effects with alot of them are decreased or complete loss of sex drive. I couldn't even function with my cocktail, sex was not even an option if you know what I mean (I'm trying hard to keep this PG) I am thinking that's probably what has happened here. And of course your still going to want a girlfriend, medication won't stop you from desiring companionship.
I don't know if this obsession would be considered the to be the same as a sex/porn addiction or not. A drug I was put on for bulimia also helps control obsessions in aspergers. I never had any special interests. I used it for irrational impulsive behavior associated with eating disorders. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that kind of similar to what your going through? I mean you must feel some kind of impulse to look at porn if you really don't even want to in the first place. Right? Any way, it was called Naltrexone and it's main purpose is to treat opiate addiction by blocking the opiate receptors. I also hear Topomax might help people with aspergers to some degree. It's going to probably take alot of trial and error before you find something that you find really beneficial for your mood.
I am assuming that your doctor/shrink knows about this obsession of yours? If they don't I would strongly urge you to talk to one about that specifically. It sounds like it's ruining your life the way bulimia and heroin addiction ruined mine. Anything in life can be addictive if you get some kind of mental reward for doing it. I also don't think your depression will be able to improve much until you can keep this demon at bay. Sounds like the addiction is the primary condition which that is causing depression. Like you said, it consumes you. It's no wonder your depressed. I also believe that addictions are 100% treatable if your really serious getting better (and seems like you are). Best of luck to you man. You can pm me anytime I have been hospitalized many times and through years of treatment for addictions. I am also sober and my eating disorder is in complete recession so it is possible.
Have you asked a pharmacist or doctor about tweeking the cocktail a bit. If not, I'd suggest asking your pharmacist if you can have a confidential consultation. Pharmacists are strictly bound by confidentiality, but by asking this way, you can feel more sure that the he/she will be vigilant that no one walk up and overhear.
A pharmacist cannot change your prescriptions but can suggest appropriate changes and consult with your doctor/s. Pharmacists know meds and this sort of consultation work is part of their job.
Thanks for the responses.
I'm currently on 60 mg prozac, 2 mg triafon (spelling) and 1mg clonapin.
Purchase - other people have mentioned Luvox, but from what I hear it's just pretty much like Prozac, so I don't know.
I don't have a psychiatrist at the moment. My family doctor recommended a few that I looked up on google and had like 2 stars out of 5. So I called the short-term care facility that I've stayed at before years ago and asked if the main doctor there that treated me prescribes on the side...they said they'll find out and if he doesn't they'll recommend a good doctor.
Also...the hypersexuality thing has been thankfully gone since about June/July...what's resulted since is just generic severe life-threatening depression...genuinely wishing I'd go to sleep and not wake up type depression.
My worry like I said is that that part will be cured or at least alleviated, but with it the hypersexuality will return. It's good to know there are other anti-depressants that lower sex drive and help with depression as well.
(Btw I think it's kind of funny how some people complain about anti-depressants lowering their sex drive, and I'm happy that mine does.)