Dots wrote:
I was briefly misdiagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder a few years ago and it was the worst experience with mental health that I've ever had. Doctors stopped listening to me, and sent me home from the ER once when I was in mortal danger. All because of a few letters on my chart. A few months after the initial diagnosis, another doctor was like "wait, you don't have this" and removed it, and also dropped me and left me without a doctor because she only treated people with BPD.
My experience in the mental health field with how they treat people they think have BPD has been horrible. It is so misunderstood, and so mistreated. I would never in a million years want to be diagnosed with BPD ever again.
And of all the people I talked to about my misdiagnosis last year, only one understood this (and said the diagnosis can be a therapeutic death sentence). I found a paper on how clients diagnosed with BPD are extremely mistreated by many medical professionals and typical behaviors that are acceptable from the majority of clients are mischaracterized as manipulation and attention-seeking behaviors.
The funny thing is that people keep assuming that I was trying to escape the diagnosis. I didn't care if it was true, I cared about possible sabotage to getting therapy before I even got into the system. If I really had it, I was okay with that because I was trying to find out what was wrong with me, not hide from it. I just didn't want to be treated like toxic waste because of a diagnosis.