General rant on never being good enough for some people

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23 Dec 2011, 10:49 pm

So I spent the last six months scanning 1200 slides, and then arranging them to be published in a book for my grandma, with all her children (aunts, uncles, parent, etc) to get the same on a DVD.

I approached the book from the perspective of a historian..I gathered thing thematically or by time, but I included everything, because I believe highly in preserving everything, regardless of content. Somethings may seem irrelevant to one, but important to another. It is not my place to exclude. My attempt was completeness and I succeeded.

Of course that's not enough for some. I showed the book to my family (minus my Dad so he'll be surprised with the rest), and my sister could stop making criticisms...."This picture is dark," "Why did you include all these??" before closing the book and making a disimissive facial expression. She frowned, pursed her lips, and I know the look having grown up with her. She didn't like it at all.

Well f**k her. When has she ever done anything in her whole silly life that approached what I've attempted? When has she ever reached for any lofty ambition beyond acquiring the latest Apple s**t or blu-ray or consumer good?

I don't know why it is bothering me. Mom loved it, I know the rest will, but god damn my sister. She should be more supportive, more understanding of what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to preserve and make available our family history. No one else in the family seems to have cared enough to do anything with what my Grandmother has saved.

How DARE she disrespect what I've tried to do, how much time I put into it, how much money I spent. A labor of love, and she didn't give a f**k.

She can go to hell for all I care.


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23 Dec 2011, 10:55 pm

I'm sorry. That really stinks. I'm sure everyone else will love it.

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23 Dec 2011, 11:17 pm

Some people can't grow up past the sibling rivalry thing. I had two aunts, sisters to each other and to my mother, who kept it up with each other for well over seventy years. They never hassled or put down anybody else in that huge family, just each other.

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23 Dec 2011, 11:41 pm

Sibling rivalry sounds about right--maybe she was jealous that you did make something meaningful that SHE couldn't and she KNOWS everyone else WILL love, and she can't stand the fact that her Aspie brother (did/does she give you grief for that?) will be getting more attention than she will.

Really. Some people just never grow up. Her *opinion* doesn't mean anything.

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24 Dec 2011, 3:07 am

I can see me and my sister in our 70's still acting like teenagers. Even now, my sister is my worst enemy. I seriously can't help it. She is so damned judgemental.Does she think all this criticism is helping me? Last Christmas she made me meltdown into a fit of tears and then I didn't talk to her for 6 months.

I'm sure your book will be great. Your sister is just like mine, judgemental, narcissistic and jealous. I had to add narcissistic in there.

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24 Dec 2011, 5:04 am

im sorry to hear that.. what you did is lovely im sorry you did not get the appreciative reaction.. but im sure us who read about it here finds it a very lovely gesture from a very lovely person.. try not to be too hurt or upset for the ungiven approval, you dont exactly need it, there is a time and place around us and with us where we, and the things we do, would be appreciated.. i was abused by my grandma, tied to a chair or locked in cabinet or bathroom for hours, hit with whatever she holds and my dad is retired army general now bank vp and no one is good enough, i just take it as some thing that way that time that i have to go through but there will also be a time and chance where something is or will be good for me, and there were, i just did not hold on or pay too much attention to the negative of the experience.. anyway hope you have a happy holidays.. xoxox

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24 Dec 2011, 10:28 am

Brianruns10 wrote:
She can go to hell for all I care.

That. I would have told her everything you said right here without even batting an eye. I have zero tolerance for disrespect of that level.

I would have taken the disc back from her too. No lie.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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24 Dec 2011, 1:18 pm

I have sibling rivalry. Me and my brother act like we hate eachother, and we can't bear to be in the same room as eachother (even though we live in the same house). He's NT but is weird, and his weirdness irritates me, and my Aspie weirdness irritates him, so.....


Last edited by Joe90 on 24 Dec 2011, 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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24 Dec 2011, 1:25 pm

In the future edition of the family history just edit her out.

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24 Dec 2011, 5:23 pm

Without reading the replies but reading the first post, my immediate knee jerk reaction to her disapproval was sibling rivalry.

Take it with a grain of salt.

That's nothing to fret over.

I have to commend you though for making an effort in doing so thoughtful and meaningful. 8)

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