fraac wrote:
If it bothers you, you could take melatonin.
It seems to bother society more than me!
Personally I sleep best when I sleep from 5 am to around midday (give or take). My brain is at its most active and creative at night. I also have more physical energy than I do in the day so I really hate sleeping at a time when my brain is at its most alert. But it can cause problems with functioning. For example, I am presently on disability and my official diagnosis is Social Anxiety, depression and anxiety (although I suspect an ASD). Now when I went to the job centre for a work related interview (I am in the WRAG group) I asked if there were any jobs I can do from home. But the man simply replied with "Well most peoples ideas about working from home don't work out so we would rather you got over your problems completely and got a regular job".
Err I am 36, I have had my problems for 36 of those years...good luck if they think they can aim for complete recovery and turn me into a social butterfly!
Now I could apply for a regular job that works night shifts due to my sleep issues but I don't drive, live out in the countryside and there are no buses in the evening etc at all. Only a very limited service during the early hours of the day and afternoon.
Peoples solution "move into the city" Err no, its too noisy and crowded in the city for me!
I thought working from home might have been a good solution, especially if I can work flexible hours. This means I can work at odd times at night and I can also get the peace and quiet I need to be able to concentrate on my job. I really don't work well in noisy environments...they stress me out. I also tend to need my routines and I can work around them that way.
Apparently though I have to make myself normal.
God that is going to be impossible, I have not been normal since birth lol.
I mean at 5 years old other little girls were playing mummies and daddies with their dolls, meanwhile my dolls were sitting in a pile getting dusty whilst I was at Barclays and LLoyds collecting bank forms or lining my brothers toy cars up all over the front room floor.
Strange kid = weird adult lol