drichpi wrote:
One article seems to indicate that to the academic, the difference is whether there is a delay in speech development. To the clinician, the difference lies in which diagnosis will best help the patient get the assistance they need.
http://www.sacramentoasis.com/docs/8-22-03/as_&_hfa.pdfI don't know enough to comment on the veracity of this article.
From that article:
Dr Tony Attwood wrote:
Having reviewed the literature, we may be able to answer the question, is there a
difference between Asperger's syndrome and High Functioning Autism? The reply is
that the research and clinical experience would suggest that there is no clear evidence
that they are different disorders. Their similarities are greater than their differences. We
appear to be taking, particularly in Europe and Australia, a dimensional view of autism
and Asperger' syndrome rather than a categorical approach. (Leekam, Libby, Wing
Gould and Gillberg 2000). At present both terms can be used interchangeably in clinical
I read the beginning, and most of it just comments on early childhood development as being the deciding factor between HFA and Asperger's.
Like a crow, I am always observing humans from my distant perch.