The social worker first mentioned it to us in June 2005 and we researched the possibility for our son. You know, thinking back, there are a lot of negative connotations with that dx. Violent, tantruming, out-of-control - NOT what we wanted for our child.
I spent the summer researching it and thought we were okay with it. But when the psych backed us up in November, it was ............
Hey, I'm supposed to be NT and I can't describe the way I felt.
It's been a year and it's been fine and all, we're dealing and he's thriving, but when our fears were confirmed - wow! And, yes, it was a fear at the time.
Now we know it is not a thing to fear, but a new challenge to reach a wonderful, caring, emotional, kind and turbulent child. We love and cherish him even more now that we know HOW.
It's not cancer - it will open some doors, but it takes some getting used to.