Ai_Ling wrote:
I know many of us don't have very many social contacts and that can make life quite isolating. Is that reason more because we want what we dont have? Perhaps with our neurology, we dont need as much social contact, we just see what NTs have and that makes us "want" it. Do you think if we were completely unaware of what was going on in the NT world or this social NT world didnt exist, we wouldn't want friendships and relationships? Would you be perfectly content in your own little world?
This describes me exactly. I've been raised by NTs, my whole family are NTs (and I have a big family), I went to mainstream school and there didn't seem to be any other Aspies there so I had no choice but to mix with NTs, and my AS is mild enough so I am expected to take part in the NT world because I don't seem to have a world of my own. So I have no choice but to be aware of the NT world, and so sometimes I find myself crying out for more friends. Actually, scratch that - I find myself crying out for better social skills, and wishing - so much - that I was just born NT. I feel like this AS has victimized me, and it's always ''why me?'' It just gets to me, and it's probably because my parents are miserable that their only daughter has turned out like this, and my mum fears abnormalcy because she had a tough childhood living with a mad person, and now she has a daughter who is mad (I think my mum has a touch of PTSD). It doesn't mean she loves me any less, she loves me a lot and has been an excellent supportive parent, but like all parents, I suppose she just wants her daughter to be happy and be liked by others, (which I am not liked by many since I don't have many friends), and it's just heart-breaking all around.