NTs and jealousy
I've noticed a lot of NTs get nasty with the person they're jealous of in some way, and it's not always appropriate behaviour because sometimes it's not always the person's fault. I'm a very jealous person, in fact I get horribly jealous of my cousins for having normal social skills, but when I see them I still behave appropriately (I still love them anyway), and I don't think they even know I'm jealous of them. I'm just angry at my genetics for being on an Autistic spectrum or something.
At my volunteer job last year, a young girl joined us, who was on community service. After her community service weeks were up, the manager took a shine to her (the manager there has favourites and becomes a mate to her favourites - very cliquey woman), and she took this young girl on as a paid assistant-manager. Personally me and a few others didn't think that was fair, since some of us were on job-seekers, desperately crying out for a paid job, but this manager didn't even give us a chance, and this girl came from community service. She was a hardworking girl and very nice too, but it's the principal of it that made me a bit mad, being that we were hardworking too. But one or two of the others there got very funny with this girl, and called her nasty names then walked out of the volunteer job. I felt the same way as they did about it, but I didn't get funny with the young girl because it was not her fault. If somebody came upto you and offered you a suitable paid job, it's only natural that you would jump at the chance. I actually got upset with the manager for deciding to take her on (and I knew it was out of favouritism.)
And yet, I bet somewhere in the Social Rule Book thread here, it would say ''don't show that you're jealous of somebody by getting funny with them - sometimes luck comes to somebody which is beyond their control''. Double standards, I suppose.
Has anyone else experienced NTs getting horribly jealous with somebody over nothing or something that's beyond someone's control? Do you think it's fair?
At my previous job, people made harsh remarks because I had a college degree. Though one other colleague (male) had a college degree, I was targeted due to everyone else in my department being female. I'm not sure if it was mere bullying, but a few made remarks that I could get jobs elsewhere if our department goes under, while it would be harder for them to find a new job. I thought it was complete bullcrap, since I had to work extra hard to get my degree (while working there and at another job)! I could see if I was born rich, and the degree was expected, but I grew up poorer than most people I knew. This entailed more work to be financially stable while getting my degree.