Q1. Sound, sound, sound. Misophonia apparently runs sound through the wrong parts of the brain (?) and it's unbearable. Certain sounds drive all misophonics crazy - any kind of mouth noise (licking, sucking, slurping, gulping, smacking, etc) whispering, ticking / dripping, to name a few. Any of that going on and I'm all STOP IT or I have to leave. Also touch, especially by people and especially skin to skin. Cannot stand it. It feels like being crushed. My brain interprets it as being crushed. Any kind of eye contact, even only for a second, at times even peripherally as in I can see someone's eyes at all. Whites me out. Too much socializing, and no time in absolute privacy not being watched or overheard, so I can do what I need to do without hypervigilance. And lastly emotional stimulus. Am alexithymic so I can be under severe emotional stress and not realize, until I have a massive shutdown.
Q2. Length of time makes a difference with the social and emotional ones, as if it's cumulative. But even one noise is enough to snap me most of the time.
Q3. The noise and touch ones are constant. That will always drive me crazy. But what I can put up with in terms of social and emotional stimuli seems to correlate with other external and internal conditions. If everything is going badly, the proverbial rope will be shorter.
There's bound to be loads more I can't think of at present.
Q4. It varies.
Alexithymia - 147 points.