Cade wrote:
I'm not offended by this. Why should I? Liek someone else said, it's probably simply like "my hubby" and instead of saying "my Aspie hubby" it's just "my Aspie." I don't think it has to be patronizing or demeaning. But if you want to read that into it, go ahead.
And if this is an NT bitching about their AS spouse, why can't they? Why can only us AS people b**** about NTs?
I hope you're right, but from what I read, it was all narcissistic, and condescending. I had a very strong impression, perhaps mistakenly, that on most of the occasions used, the rest of the posts held little affection.
PS - Sorry I didn't reply with a link. Had to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep
There is nothing about these perplexing and morally insensitive humans that cannot be solved with the aid of a heavy machine gun.