serenity wrote:
There are several things that don't make sense in this video, though granted I have not seen any others by this person. First, I am struck by how she is dressed. A bra is not appropriate attire to do a video about your very ill child. If she wants people to take her more seriously, she needs to dress like it. I'd never appear in a video with my child in that manner. It comes across as she's wanting attention, whether or not she is. Second, (and I could be wrong here, too) but I have a severely autistic child that requires 24 hr attention and my house is never that clean. I don't have time to keep up with him and clean. It's just not humanly possible, and my son is not self injurious (usually) The only way I could is if i put my housework before his needs. And three, he is on waaaayyyyy too much medication. Granted, finding the right seizure med is sometimes very difficult and they HAVE to give him something for them. Seizures could be fatal, otherwise, but the other meds aren't as necessary. If it were me in that mother's position, I'd be on the phone nonstop until I found a doctor willing to help my son. I'd call anyone and everyone that I thought could possibly help. I'd even go as far as taking him to the doctor when he would go through these episodes waiting in the waiting room making a nuisance out of ourselves until the doctor agreed to help him. You have to sometimes get aggressive and pushy when it comes to your kids. I feel so sad for the poor guy in the video, though. I hope something gets figured out for him soon.
I agree on the bra think but I also wonder why is the child dressed that way?
And what made him the way he is? LF people also can learn to comunicate, did her mother try to teach him, or did she give up?
I'm not english mother tongue so I can't understand so much of mother's talk. Since I don't know these things, I can't judge her.
All I know is that I never met a child so severely affected. In spite of this I think that he can find some help.