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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Oct 2011, 3:29 am

So, I hear a few Aspies saying they would go to or create a place where there was a majority of Aspies. "Aspie Town", or in another post, Aspie Nation. Main obstacle is land and/or buildings. There seem to be enough people so tired of How Things Are to drive out to a place like that to try living among all Aspies. I am new here, so if there is a thread about this already, I didn't find it.

Here is my proposal:

Occupy an Abandoned Town. Not a total ghost town wasteland of foundations and rubble, but a town like Empire Nevada that has zero population. Totally abandoned, but still has an infrastructure...even looted the buildings would still be useful. If it is remote enough, then it would not get visitors, or lawmen wondering what is going on. Get the water treatment working, power it with solar or alternative means. Long range wifi or satellite, and construct our own intranet.

If we lasted long enough to gain more than a hundred Aspies, it could be a serious thing. If it lasts a month, or a decade, then it was something worth trying. We might be able to actually keep it, depending on how the world is going in that time. We could post videos and blogs about our town, and how we improve it.

I am just putting this out there, because I am sick of NT's, sick of wasting away at pointless jobs, and sick of having to deal with both just to survive. I think there is a better, freer way to live. It wouldn't be a hippie commune style thing, because there are already buildings and some infrastructure.

Let me know if this sounds ret*d. I am at the end of my rope when it comes to earning a living. I know others feel the same, and I know some of you have the desperation to come and do this.

I suppose it would be Independent Anarchy until we reached a consensus, and located a suitable town. Many are in the Dakotas, Nevada, Colorado, with many more all over the country. Some are inexpensive enough to own outright, if we wanted to be legit. There are also mining rights, which have limits but less legal responsibility.


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16 Oct 2011, 4:23 am

Why the abandon town-anarchy view on it? Makes it just plain unserious.

I am a vegetarian and have been inspired by vegan/vegetarian socitys in great britain. It's nothing unrealistic or wierd about it. It's just one contractor who bought a big spot of land, and desigined a village of naturlistic houses which is then was markeded and just sold to veggies. I have no idea if they had some contract that you had to be vegetarian to live there but I guess that is possible. They also designed the village so that it was car-freee and they hade community plots for gardening and such.

There is nothing stopping someone from creating a small community in that way for aspies. Could have been a fun project I guess. But since most of us arent that social, I dont really see the point in living on top of eachother lol. You'd still have to interact with plenty of NTs unless the community grow so big that you can work there aswell.

Well, just my view on it. Sorry for bad spelling.

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Emu Egg

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16 Oct 2011, 5:01 am

Well, I suppose it is because I have tried building in the US on raw land, twice, and it was not successful. Building codes, fees, fines, inspections, etc. I was looking for alternatives, and old towns seemed viable when I wrote it.

I am losing my home at the end of the month and was seeking something besides my truck in a parking lot, I suppose. I will let you know how the abandoned town thing works out. I sure don't want to go into a large city and deal with NT hospitality.


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16 Oct 2011, 6:01 am

if everybody in aspietown were like the nice people in my aspie meetup group, it would be copasetic. but i doubt things would turn out like that. there was a ghost town in the middle of eastern washington for sale for $200k, lock stock and barrel. i saw this on the news several years back. if i had the duckies i woulda snapped it up for myself.


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16 Oct 2011, 7:47 am

This reminds me too much of what asylums and institutions were like before they were abolished. A lot of hard work went into integrating people of all abilities into the general public; why try to segregate everybody again? :?


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16 Oct 2011, 1:06 pm

Seems good. I can't see a flaw in it, we could start up by living there and working from a nearby city, for those who have carriers, those who are on disability could start a school system, and progressively open shops, in france the government encourages self entrepreneurs and first business owners, i don't know how it is in america or wherever you want to do this. I don't see anything that would prevent this going well, except executive dysfunction. We'll plan this at lenght and go back to "reality". This is the reason why people don't invest in these ideas emotionally.


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16 Oct 2011, 1:13 pm

My gut feeling is that from the start, it would fall apart, as soon as we start trying to decide who should be in charge.

My sense is that those who might want to take charge, may be far harder to deal with than NT's.

My entire family is Aspie. You wouldn't believe the conflicts, most stemming from the various brands of AS we all have. Cooperation for a greater good is not exactly a strong-suit.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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16 Oct 2011, 6:26 pm

Making a living-conducive space for one's self - and including some like-minded individuals - would be considerably LESS 'segregating' than the isolation I (and so many others) experience in our so-called intregrated society. If it weren't for the snowy winters, I'd join the "Empire Nevada" in a heartbeat. A community like that would go VERY far in shoring up the morale and fortitude it takes to challenge unjustifiable discrimination and exclusionary practices/mindsets. Further, our community would become a prime example (in a relatively short amount of time) of how well a group could self-regulate when much of the extraneous/UNNECESSARY 'politicking' is absent.

It's your Dae today

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16 Oct 2011, 6:55 pm

I like Dae's reply.

It isn't like I have many options. I have searched endlessly for something even remotely close to this idea, and come up with nothing. The closest I can find are some hippie communes, but most won't even know what AS is. I attempted to build this idea, without knowing what AS was, by purchasing acreage in NC and AZ, and starting efficient homes. The permits and endless bureaucracy costs more than the materials, and ideas like using a 12 volt primary power grid for lighting and electronics was met with apish, feces-flinging screeches from the county. I have found the last county I know of that has no codes or inspections, Delta county, Colorado, but the land is five times the price of land elsewhere. I have lived mostly debt-free my whole life, and I can't rustle up $200k for the property of my dreams...and at this point a loan seems ludicrous.

I seem to get along great with every aspie I know, including my sister and her family, and if there is any group of people that would understand or comprehend my plight it would be other aspies. I want to John Galt a few thousand somewhere and build a comfortable place to live, relatively unencumbered by the NT world.

The model I have found for a system of management that best fits how I think Aspies see the world is called a Scientific Resource Based Economy. The Zeitgeist guy's idea. The foundation of our Town could be a computerized inventory network, removing the emotional politics from the equation, and ensuring everyone got what they required. The drive would be to improve this system with technology, which many aspies know well. With several high-tech aspies focused on making the system work better, we would have ingenious solutions exponentially raising our standard of living every single day.

So...I'm homeless on the 1st, and it is something like this or going to join an Occupy protest. I have reached my limit and I think my brain finally snapped. I will rough it out with some people in tents before I go back to that CorpGov NT nightmare.


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16 Oct 2011, 9:38 pm

Who says it has to be in the US? I'm sure there is some open land somewhere else.

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16 Oct 2011, 10:33 pm

I have been in contact with an earthbag builder in Thailand named Owen. He runs a board that is popular with alternative builders, and moved there just for the liberty to build better homes. Other countries have disadvantages over the US, but yeah the ability to build is a huge draw. I am sure he would appreciate the company, and the extra hands.

I don't know what it would take to leave the country, other than a passport and some type of visa status. I also don't really want to leave. I want an alternative in this location, which was what I was told growing up was possible here anyway. It isn't like I am afraid of paperwork, I just think the level of authority given to these bureaucratic minions is completely outrageous. Phonehenge, anyone? If you want anything other than a standard house, they not only want their massive fees for imposing how you build it, if you look at them funny when handing it over then they can just knock it down. How'ya like that? Har-de-freakin-har. Oh, don't like it? Tough.

The guy that built Phonehenge was looking 5 years in jail.

I'm just done. Really, really done. We need lots of people and internet media to take a stand somewhere. I am not the leader of anything, a Scientific RBE has no leader. I have ideas, and I can build lots of cool s**t. I'm offering some neat ideas, and I will bust my hump if I get the chance to build them.

I don't even care how stupid this sounds. I don't want to build some Waco thing, armed to the teeth. Peaceful, but Amish. It could be in several closeby locations, interconnected, even. I would have liked to see the whole town around Phonehenge encircle it and refuse to let them tear it down. So many people that the statutes are null and void. As much as they liked it, and the guy who built it, they stood there with cameras instead.

And there aren't enough people reading this right now that can't band together and make something real? Nobody else is losing their home right now, and so dissatisfied that they feel like a slave?


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17 Oct 2011, 8:12 am

If you don't have enough money to keep a roof over your head now, how are you going to afford food and raw materials while squatting in your desert ghost town? Maybe the Occupiers are a better bet for you--at least they're getting donations for supplies.


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17 Oct 2011, 2:34 pm

Why not? The deaf keep trying to build their own town. Why not aspies?

Except the town meetings would probably take about 18 hours as everyone tried to explain their position in great detail.


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18 Oct 2011, 6:47 am

There is plenty of land in Australia.


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18 Oct 2011, 6:59 am

Oh, and you could call the town "Asp Burg"



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18 Oct 2011, 3:22 pm

This sounds like a good idea to me, a town where we run things instead of NTs and all their social and unspoken BS. But... I own my home with my girlfriend, and I'm in no position to just up and move across the country or even to another country all together. I am definitely sick of the same things you are, and I feel bad that you're in the position you are. I'd want something close to where I am now though.