abacacus wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Reality is all that is left when you stop believing in unprovable things.
Technically much of accepted physics is unprovable...
I kinda think thats the point of what hes saying...... Though I could be wrong, he might have just said that as a Cliche`.....
@the OP:
To answer your last question, I see someone that seemingly interprets the world either differently, or possibly more thoroughly (In certain focused areas *probably*) then most of those around him......
And I would point out that your analysis (For lack of a better description) seems to lack an acknowledgement to the liklihood of an as yet undiscovered physical difference between NTs and non-NTs.
Further, I disagree that all NT's Are Closed Minded, simply for being NT's. I think its easy for NT's to build their worldview into boxes there by imprisoning themselves within certain views, but I would also point out that being human, any ASD person could do the same.
Next, I disagree that being non-NT is purely a philosophical distinction from being NT, though if you limit your distinctions to likelihood of different philosophical outlook's as a result of interpretting similar experiences differently, then I would agree that there are definitely different philosophies/world-view's as a result of being NT or Not.
Finally, I agree that change is needed, but not because I feel I've been lied to (Though Im sure I have been, lol), but rather because I believe change to be a natural course of events, and that though it will be different then before, there will be opportunities to be found, and problems to be overcome (I like a challenge, preferably not a social one though). Though if you're refering to society at large, particularly western society, I heartily agree change is needed if only because an Infinite Resource Paradigm cannot exist on a planet with Finite Resources Indefinitely..... Nor does it feel very nice being one of the Have-Nots......