I get weird looks in public for no reason

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20 Mar 2014, 8:47 pm

I have Aspergers syndrome. I'm a girl in my 20s, decent looking (I take baths regularly, dress reasonably, wear makeup most of the time, and eat healthily), and try to be friendly and nice to everyone I meet. I'll think I'm doing everything right, then I'll get a weird look or a mocking comment and I'll be like "What did I do that was so out of the norm?" I feel so alienated sometimes, because no one seems like like me even though I go out of my way to make sure everyone around me is happy. :/


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20 Mar 2014, 8:50 pm

It is highly unlikely that you seeing this response for no reason.

Do you know anyone who could film you from a distance, so that you can see yourself as others do?

You might be able to learn what is eliciting such a response from a video of yourself in public.

I have been surprised to find through photography that I often have a different expression on my face than I think I do.


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20 Mar 2014, 9:14 pm

Sorry, it's hard to tell without seeing you walk. Maybe you are shy and look skittish or you just look unconfident. People who are aggressive hone in on that like crazy.

Are you related to Raspberry Frosty?


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20 Mar 2014, 9:23 pm

BlueBerrySnow wrote:
I have Aspergers syndrome. I'm a girl in my 20s, decent looking (I take baths regularly, dress reasonably, wear makeup most of the time, and eat healthily), and try to be friendly and nice to everyone I meet. I'll think I'm doing everything right, then I'll get a weird look or a mocking comment and I'll be like "What did I do that was so out of the norm?" I feel so alienated sometimes, because no one seems like like me even though I go out of my way to make sure everyone around me is happy. :/

i actually have a theory about this: do you notice this happens to you more/less often when you are alone? my own experience has informed me that one is much more likely to be randomly verbally harassed or otherwise publically castigated if one is female and alone. the likelihood of such encounters goes up exponentially if one is also in some way conspicuous to one's assigned gender role (dressed "masculinely", short hair, no makeup, etc). when i go out with a friend no one says boo to me; on the other hand, i've had many random unpleasant encounters with people (initiated by them) when out by myself. i noticed that it happened to me more frequently when my hair was short, as well (it's quite long now).


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20 Mar 2014, 10:30 pm

Maybe 'deaf' speech?

My voice is nasal and maybe somewhat monotone, perhaps caused by having allergies as a child when I needed to feel the vibrations of my voice.

This combined with my diving into interesting, offbeat topics does stand out.


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21 Mar 2014, 5:05 am

Your post could describe me; I've had this all my life. At some point in my early adult years I had believed I'd "mastered" seeming normal and friendly and outgoing, and indeed some of the bad reactions lessened slightly, but I still got and get them on a regular basis; I still know I've made a weird impression on a lot of people rather than a "normal" one, even though I think I'm being "normal" successfully. I've had to realise that I'm probably not as successful at it as I think I am.

I don't know what else to do though. I now just kind of accept that I come across as strange even though I don't want to and even though I am of an old enough age that I believe I've "learned" and imitated the correct way to be most of the time.



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21 Mar 2014, 1:02 pm

Since I was 18 I have had lots of times where I have noticed people looking at me funny as if something about me has caught their attention and they can't handle it. Funnily enough, these intimidating moments have died down in the last couple of years, but has made me become a very self-conscious person. I got a lot of mockery from random strangers when I was aged around 18-21, although I never done anything unusual. But I have been working on my posture since, so maybe I did hold more of an awkward gait back then to what I do now, although I still sometimes catch people staring at me in the corner of my eye. But every NT has told me that people do stare, and it's just one of those things, and it has nothing to do with me personally. I always thought NTs would know better not to stare at strangers as it is considered intimidating by some people, but I have also been told that maybe I am hypersensitive to it and that it's probably not as bad as I think. I have social phobia, so it is natural that I will feel like everybody's judging me and it will look so real to me, no matter how much I tell myself most of it is irrational.



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21 Mar 2014, 3:03 pm

Now I don't know why anyone would be giving you weird looks, but in my humble experience I have found that just pretending it isn't happening helps.

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22 Mar 2014, 2:09 am

I made a thread where I talked about how being in public leads to comments and even people claiming they want to physically fight me!

I think it is the lack of social chitchat, lack of facial expressions/odd facial expressions and lack of or odd body language. It is almost like the uncanny valley, it makes some people uneasy and unsure.


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22 Mar 2014, 5:15 am

I know with me from what have been told is that I move in an odd way, have odd expressions, stuff like that. On one hand I'm seen as a hansom cute boy who dresses nicely. On the other hand I have the appearance of an oddball. Now I have dysparixa too so that has a lot to do with my awkward movements. But people can always tell when something is off key. And they are nosy and like to stare and point and mock. It's not you that has a problem really, it's them who have the problem.