Just don't know what to do...
Do others feel often like they just cannot figure out what to do with themselves outside of their special interests? I have no direction outside of that, mostly. I mean, I have my morals. I just can't ever seem to figure out what I actually need to do with myself, and when, for how long, to get stuff done to take care of myself. It really is increasingly disturbing to me because I can't even manage to keep my apartment clean, keep myself fed or clothed at this point. Any time I try to ask anyone for help or advice, it seems I get the "just do it" treatment. For example, right now I know I need to get into some kind of treatment at the VA right now ASAP before I end up on the street, but I really don't know who to call or when or how much to get done each day... just trying to mentally prepare for it leaves me almost paralyzed.
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Got a link to that? I'd be interested in reading it. Do you at least remember the name of the thread, so I can search for it? Thanks!
camelCase, is there a veteran's outreach program in your area? Would you find it less awful to try calling them? You might be able to find them on the internet. Also, are there Asperger's services in your area? Maybe you can find someone to help you call. Do you know someone who would be willing to sit with you while you call and maybe take over the call if you freeze or stumble through your speech too much on the phone? Would it help to leave yourself a note to call on your clothes at night so that you're reminded to try first thing in the morning, before your day piles up too much? Do you have a parent or other family member you trust and get along with well enough that they could be willing to call for you?
If the VA is too scary, there might be a mutual support service you can start with that is non-veteran associated. A civilian oriented co-counseling organization, or some similar community based thing, might also be free, and maybe something less military would suit you better at this point in your life. Again, try searching the internet.
I hope at least one of these suggestions will help or that they inspire you with ideas of your own that will work for you. I suspect one of my friends who served has Asperger's, and he's really struggled since he got out. I'm sure he's undiagnosed, and I worry if getting diagnosed will affect his benefits. Does the military know about your diagnosis? Has it made any difference?
I'm curious what branch you served in, if you don't mind my asking. Most of my friends were in the Marines (like my grandfather) or the Navy in general, a couple were in the Army, and one served in the Air Force. I also encounter many vets more casually, in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), which seems to be something of a magnet for vets, reservists, and even active duty servicemembers (who sometimes can arrange for SCA activity away from home).
I hope you'll be able to work things out. Please post to let us know how it goes, so we know if you're all right.
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