People really need to know about this health insurance issue before they get a diagnosis. Here in California, it has been near impossible to get private insurance for years now if you have any pre-existing condition, no matter how seemingly trivial. It really is an appalling state of affairs that oddly enough, few Americans seem to fully comprehend: if you lose your job, your COBRA expires (or you simply can't afford the high rates), and you have had so much as a sinus infection, you might well find yourself unable to get private insurance. (My insurance agent has had people denied coverage because of a dx diaper rash!)
If the healthcare bill is not dismantled, this will end at the start of 2014. But healthcare costs must also be addressed, as the ability to buy insurance does us little good if the premiums are unaffordable. There really are endless ways to cut costs without impacting quality of care. All we have to do is look to all the other developed nations - we pay on average more than 100% more than they do per capita for healthcare, yet we only insure about 80% of us, and we have a shorter life expectancy to boot. A number of these countries even go to the doctor more and take more tests than we do too. For instance, in Japan, the average person goes to the hospital FOUR times more than the average American, yet they pay only 40% of what we pay per capita overall. There are as many different models as there are countries, from single payer to non-profit to for-profit - why not study them and implement the best ideas that a majority of us can agree upon?
I guess my point is, healthcare coverage or lack thereof is a major problem for everyone on the spectrum, yet there is no reason it has to be this way. Solutions are out there to reduce costs. The reason they are not being considered is simple: the healthcare lobby is dominating he conversation in Washington and blocking them from even being mentioned. This could all change if enough of us put direct pressure on or legislators. If you doubt that, look what happened with the SOPA/PIPA bills this week - if enough voters get involved, things really can change.