paddy26 wrote:
I believe I do have empathy with people but have trouble understanding how to express it in the right way. I can't really think of a time where I have been deliberately anti social.
I hope this is true of others, it would explain a lot...
For me, I feel that I can understand others' feelings and expressions but the only way I can express it back is if its in a technical manner...
For example I know a guy who misunderstand's his teenager's perception of the world... She's a classic teenager and teenagers were my biggest focus when I was one myself out of self-preservation against bullying
When he says "I just dont understand why she has a need to tell me about things that blah blah I may or may not approve of but dont want to hear about blah blah etc etc" I have a technical answer back like "she is being a typical teenager is is saying that to get your response positive or negative... it's her way of getting advice"
the technical way of thinking makes it easier to relay...
however if someone pisses me off personally because I can tell they are being a pampas ass who needs their head shoved up their behind I have the most difficult time explaining what it is about their inappropriate behavior that triggered me.
Very high systematizing, low empathy, but moderate to high sympathy.
I do not experience cognitive dissonance reduction the way that other people do.
Professionally diagnosed in March 2018