Ever since I was a kid, I always had trouble on picture day. NOT because I am ugly or because I don't dress well, but because I can't smile.
I know how to form a smile with my mouth obviously, but mine always looks ... hollow I guess, (not creepy, just unphotogenic) As I got older I reallize the flip side of this is if I smile as hard as I possibly can and open my eyes the same way, I am apparently quite frightening. I had a lot of fun with that.
Also, while I do have trouble with eye contact, I have no trouble just staring at someone with a flat expression, eye contact or not. I had a lot of fun with that too.
By far the weirdest problem I have is that for most of my life, people have had problems with my laugh. sometimes I laugh way to loud, even if I think it reall IS that funny regaurdless of what anyone else thinks. Some people think my laugh sounds strange, and some people, (my family occasionaly included) have told me my laughter sounds fake. like I push it out when it isn't needed to draw attention to myself. I think my parents might just be a little nuts on this score though. After all they did tell me not to laugh to loudly the time we went to see Lewis Black preform live. Let me repeat that.
They took me to see a world class stand up comic live in a theatre with thousonds of other people, and told me not to laugh too loud.
I mean come on! I will admit, that I my laugh is very loud, and probably too loud by NT standards, but I've worked on that. But fake laughter? how do you fake laughter?
What gives?
What is learning? Its paying attention. its opening yourself up to this great big ball of****that we call life! And whats the worst that could happen? You get bit in the ass! Well let me tell you, My ass looks like hamburger meat,But I can still sit down!