CalvaryMaid wrote:
I've been feeling agitated since I read an article in the Times about the proposed change to the definition of autism. To outsiders, I appear to be high-functioning because I have multiple advanced degrees, study several languages, and can function "normally" in many situations. At the same time, I can't drive or take public transportation, have no job, no friends, don't make eye contact, suffer from panic attacks, and a multitude of other things that mark me as being clearly abnormal. It seems that I'm good at going to school and nothing else. I'm not one to collect labels, but at least the Asperger's label gave me some kind of idea about how to proceed. At this point, I don't know if I will still be considered on the spectrum or not according to this new criteria, but if not, then what's my problem?
Stick with the label, I am and it helps me.