Times when you really think you might get violent

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25 Jan 2012, 7:42 pm

Okay, I just wanna mention first of all that I am a non-violent person, who does not initiate fights, who minds my own business, and like most aspies has a intense adherence to rules.
BUT today I though I was seriously gonna lose it.......and I mean LOSE IT!

So I'm at the hardware store, where my younger sis works (she's 18, and although not an aspie, is a very sweet openminded girl who understands me very well for an NT)
Anyways, she's working hard and finds a purse that a customer left behind. I see her pick it up and take it to management and explain that she had found it. I saw her from the time she found it to the time she turned it into management, she didn't open it at all.

The woman comes back in about 10min later DEMANDING where her purse was. My sister calmly told her what she had done. I saw the woman retrieve it from the counter , open it and then she said that someone had taken $50 from it. Whether she actually though she had it or not is irrelevant, she made such a fuss and was so accusatory towards my poor sis that the whole management looked through the security cameras. My poor sis was humiliated and pigeoneholed about it.

She not once expressed gratitude and kept glaring at my sister. I was so angry, all that was running through my mind was vulgar words to decribe her. I finally said " Ma'am I'm sorry, but this girl is my sister and she is honest and did not take anything from you." After an eye roll and a "mind your own business" she leaves the store, commenting how bad the management was and how she should so. My poor sis was shaken up about it.

I wanted to smack the sh*t outta her by that point. First of all, if you were more responsible, this wouldn't have happend, second you should be grateful that you even got it back and you saw that my sis didnt take abything, and finally HOW DARE YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE LIKE THAT!! !! YOU WERE IRRESPONSIBLE IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!

I've never been so mad in my life. Thank god for my morals, and that I have sufficient self control, otherwise she would be leaving with a busted lip and black eye.

Any other aspies have gotten angry at such a rude injustice?


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25 Jan 2012, 7:53 pm

That would anger me quite a bit, as well.

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25 Jan 2012, 9:38 pm

Yes. I got into a fight, one of the only two fights of my life, in second grade. I do not wish to explain the situation but I got quite angry, yes.

Will be off the internet for some time. I'm challenging myself to stop any unnecessary Internet activity. Just to let you know...


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25 Jan 2012, 9:54 pm

Yep, been there :evil:

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25 Jan 2012, 10:04 pm

Whenever I have to watch Loose Women.


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25 Jan 2012, 11:04 pm

I understand you frustration. On rare ocations I have felt violent in response to injustice.

I think the woman who left the purse might have been a scamer, trying to guilt trip the store into giving her $50 at your sisters expense. Or I might be paranoid. Or she might be paranoid.


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26 Jan 2012, 1:33 am

emtyeye wrote:
I understand you frustration. On rare ocations I have felt violent in response to injustice.

I think the woman who left the purse might have been a scamer, trying to guilt trip the store into giving her $50 at your sisters expense. Or I might be paranoid. Or she might be paranoid.

Or someone else took the money before her sister found it.


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26 Jan 2012, 5:43 am

Yeah, I woulda flipped. :lol:

I broke a girl's nose once, when she called my mom fat, just to be mean to me.
My hand shot out before I knew what was happening, and then there was blood. 8O
Rudeness is one thing, but it's even harder to tolerate it toward people we care about.

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26 Jan 2012, 10:17 am

League_Girl wrote:
emtyeye wrote:
I understand you frustration. On rare ocations I have felt violent in response to injustice.

I think the woman who left the purse might have been a scamer, trying to guilt trip the store into giving her $50 at your sisters expense. Or I might be paranoid. Or she might be paranoid.

Or someone else took the money before her sister found it.

^^ That's true, maybe someone DID actually take the money, but that does not excuse her behaviour at all


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26 Jan 2012, 11:34 am

I had a few scraps as a boy but they were nothing....the only time I was violent was as an adult in my 20s........I caught my live-in girlfriend in bed with another man, and she went all haughty about it....I tried to say something to her and she just stuck her nose in the air and said "excuse me please" and pushed past me like I was dirt. I turned around and pushed her down the stairs. Luckily she was only bruised.

She did it again (we'd separated and got back together). I'd learned my lesson by then. I just calmly started moving her stuff out of my room and bringing my stuff back, showed no sign of anger, and very politely and firmly dumped her for good. It was a lot more satisfying than violence.

Sometimes I feel very angry and want to string people up - noisy neighbours who pretend they'll keep it down and then don't bother, motorists parking right across the pavement forcing pedestrians into the busy road, anybody being unfaithful to anybody else, right-wing politicians and businessmen who say and do things to take from ordinary people and give to the wealthy, people who harrass anybody who seems defenseless and kind. But I'm not really dangerous, at worst I would probably only kick their butts, and I don't suppose I'll even bother to do that. Still, if anybody attacked my loved ones, I'd get very mad, and yes I could be very dangerous then, if I was sure I'd got the right culprit.


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26 Jan 2012, 2:49 pm

Tequila wrote:
Whenever I have to watch Loose Women.

Is someone making you watch it? That is a tough deal. :wink:

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26 Jan 2012, 5:06 pm

When there was constant sensory overload and stress at my workplace I could easily become violent for much smaller things. Once I dented the door of a car a little bit after its driver unfairly honked at me when I was cycling on the road.

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26 Jan 2012, 5:07 pm

Mummy_of_Peanut wrote:
Is someone making you watch it? That is a tough deal. :wink:

True. Even that arrogant knob Jeremy Kyle is better than that tosh.


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26 Jan 2012, 5:38 pm

I haven't got it in me to do it, but I often wish I could. There are a few people who I wish I could turn violent to:-

-David Cameron
-A peadophile who has wrecked my family and has taken a close relative away from me and has brainwashed her
-Women who stare at me for no reason
-Snooty girls in fashion shops who look at me up and down and giggle at me
-The girls who bullied me

....but I better not - I will only get in trouble, get a name for myself, turn all my friends against me, and be thrown in prison for the rest of my life. So I've just got to endure life with these horrible people floating about waiting to get me or take away my special interest from me (ie, David Cameron axeing my favourite bus service, f*****g devious bastard).



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26 Jan 2012, 6:47 pm

I once punched a 6th grader when I was a senior in high school. He pushed my buttons. I was already having a bad day and then I go to school and get some breakfast and I am minding my own business. I get some ketchup and I am getting accused by this brat about cutting in front of him and I told him I did no such thing. Then he calls me a lair and so I punched him in the shoulder for falsely accusing me and sucking me into his drama. I felt a little guilty but I viewed him as a monster for how he treated me so I treated him as such so his age no longer mattered. Maybe if I were in a better mood and not having a bad day so far, I maybe would have ignored it and walked away without getting myself provoked by him and reacting to it.

I can get very violent if I get pushed over the edge and I have also felt like screaming too than just feeling violent. I can get so angry I want to yell out insults by saying mean things like telling someone how fat they are or how ugly they are and one time I wanted to call this woman on the bus a ret*d or ret*d because I didn't like how she was false accusing me of interrupting her when she was talking to her brother. I also wanted to call her fat too. I was minding own business and this man sitting next to me starts talking to me and I see that woman talking to the bus driver. So I respond to the man next to me and before I know it, the woman is telling me off for being "rude" and "interrupting" by talking to her brother who was sitting next to me. She obviously looked disabled just by the sound of her voice and she might have been ret*d. But I wanted to insult her so badly by telling her she has a lot of fat on her stomach. But I got my revenge anyway by telling the woman behind me she is not right in the head and she laughed. I think she was just crazy and that is why crazy people make me uncomfortable, they suck you into their drama and falsely accuse you of stuff. I could have decided to piss her off by keeping on talking to the man next to me but I didn't want to deal with her crap again.


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26 Jan 2012, 7:48 pm

Joe90 wrote:
-David Cameron

I have no love for him and his crew either. Absolute tossarse.