Moog wrote:
Verdandi wrote:
I'll say that I found religion frustrating and depressing because it's simply not concrete or real. I'm supposed to accept something so illogical as "god is responsible for everything" but is totally invisible.
So, effectively you are experiencing some deficiency in capacity to teleologise? (I think my spellchecker thinks I'm inventing words again)
Pardon my wording, I'm not saying that teleological thinking (or it's lack) is a good or bad thing, either way. I think I may have stumbled on the reason why I find the majority of the posters in PPR so frustrating

I'm sure that they would think a capacity for teleology was a sign of insanity and a terrible flaw in a human being that should be eradicated, if possible.
My mind is a little bit blown by this thread... I suppose it all points to how much neurology shapes a person's reality experience.
My mind was blown the first time I read that article I linked. I mean, the idea that most people go around reading all kinds of meanings into everyday events was a surprise to me. I mentioned it to a friend, and she thought it was weird that I didn't.
I know I used to get into discussions with my mother in which she'd attribute things to "god" and I'd be like, no...that's caused by this and this and this. What does god have to do with it? But I didn't see that she was doing that with everything as a systematic thing that her brain does, but rather individual things that could be debunked. It was a bit frustrating to find that because it's a wholistic view of the universe, that debunking individual cases was impossible.
None of this means I have never been religious, but I took religion very literally until it became obvious that the things it said didn't seem to have any palpable existence.