Okay, I just wanna mention first of all that I am a non-violent person, who does not initiate fights, who minds my own business, and like most aspies has a intense adherence to rules.
BUT today I though I was seriously gonna lose it.......and I mean LOSE IT!
So I'm at the hardware store, where my younger sis works (she's 18, and although not an aspie, is a very sweet openminded girl who understands me very well for an NT)
Anyways, she's working hard and finds a purse that a customer left behind. I see her pick it up and take it to management and explain that she had found it. I saw her from the time she found it to the time she turned it into management, she didn't open it at all.
The woman comes back in about 10min later DEMANDING where her purse was. My sister calmly told her what she had done. I saw the woman retrieve it from the counter , open it and then she said that someone had taken $50 from it. Whether she actually though she had it or not is irrelevant, she made such a fuss and was so accusatory towards my poor sis that the whole management looked through the security cameras. My poor sis was humiliated and pigeoneholed about it.
She not once expressed gratitude and kept glaring at my sister. I was so angry, all that was running through my mind was vulgar words to decribe her. I finally said " Ma'am I'm sorry, but this girl is my sister and she is honest and did not take anything from you." After an eye roll and a "mind your own business" she leaves the store, commenting how bad the management was and how she should so. My poor sis was shaken up about it.
I wanted to smack the sh*t outta her by that point. First of all, if you were more responsible, this wouldn't have happend, second you should be grateful that you even got it back and you saw that my sis didnt take abything, and finally HOW DARE YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SPEAK TO SOMEONE LIKE THAT!! !! YOU WERE IRRESPONSIBLE IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!
I've never been so mad in my life. Thank god for my morals, and that I have sufficient self control, otherwise she would be leaving with a busted lip and black eye.
Any other aspies have gotten angry at such a rude injustice?