I couldn't live in a group home, I'd hate it to death and probably would live in a tent in the woods before living in a group home. One of my weird things is an insistence on self reliance, self sufficiency, etc.
But, as for me, everything is PERFECT when my family is away. I've had the same experience, I'm cooking awesome, for very cheap, feeling healthy, everything I want done is getting done, etc, when my family is away, then my family comes back, and it's just like "aww....." In some ways, a bit lonely, but you can just invite friends over
One of my counselors, while not a super expert in ASD, she seems to know more about it and have more relevant advice than any other "professional" I've talked to. She said the reason for this is, it takes more effort for me to understand people, I have to exert more brain power just when they're around me, to interpret them. So, being alone, I can think clearer, as it's not constantly trying to multitask with interpreting the other people around me. But yeah, the exact same experience, when I'm alone, I'm like PERFECT then my family comes back, and I feel like crap again.
I had the same prognosis of treatment awhile back. Originally, they specifically didn't wanna DX me Aspergers since it was a court eval, so they DXed me NVLD and various schizoid personality types. However, the treatment place said teenagers weren't even eligible for schizoid DXes, that and it was to teach really basic life skills, like, for example, cooking. For me however, I'm better at cooking than most people I know. I'm pretty much wonderful at any of the actual tasks of day to day life, I can repair most things, cook stuff, but just, being around other people trips me up like crazy, that and my "routines" changing, too, which is usually only caused by said other people.
My solution, I have to get a job and save up for a down payment on some land, or a cheap house in another state. Or at the very least, a crappy $400 a month apartment here is better than being in my house, because at the very least, I get to be alone.